Thursday, April 3, 2014

HGH and weight loss - a dieter's dream come true!

A lot of people desperate to lose weight enter into an endless roller coaster of diet. At times, an extremely trying diet plan or crazy exercise routine works while sometimes it doesn’t seem to work leaving the person completely disappointed on weight loss treatments. According to research, HGH and weight loss is somehow interconnected. It’s not strictly a weight loss treatment but the human growth hormone therapy promotes lean mass and burns excessive fats while making you energetic and vigilant. If you have searched every nook and cranny for the right weight loss pill and couldn’t find one, then HGH supplements might be the answer to your torments.

Human growth hormone is made in the pituitary gland from where it is secreted in blood to reach various sites of action and fuel the rapid growth of cells in children. Besides that, the growth hormone human can maintain some other functions for example tissue repair, normal brain function, muscular growth and other metabolic activities during childhood and also for the rest of your life. However, when you are in your teen, the production of this hormone is at its peak. After that its levels in blood start to decline gradually. The typical symptoms of aging are due to the drop in human growth hormones levels. As you get old, it’s really hard to maintain the lean muscle mass. The muscles get less defined and you put on fat with considerable ease.

Studies reveal that the adults with more weight have lesser levels of HGH as compared to the normal weight adults of the same age. This is primarily the reason why people perceive hormone replacement can do the trick. They believe that boosting HGH can also enhance weight loss. But the fact of the matter is that HGH alone cannot contribute to weight loss so those taking HGH injections or pills considering them weight loss pills are totally misled. The term fat loss would be more appropriate in this case because HGH melts away only the fats while increasing lean muscle mass. Probably you might not see considerable weight loss after using HGH but you will be in good shape and healthy.

Over the years HGH has gained the reputation of an athletic performance booster. It’s true that human growth hormone helps in building and repairing muscles, improves stamina and makes you capable of longer training sessions but that doesn’t mean it can be extensively used to build muscles. Overdosing HGH can have some severe consequences. Another reason why HGH supplements are athlete’s first choice is that they cannot be detected in DOPE test. Therefore using human growth hormones for reasons other than medical is strictly forbidden. However, one thing is clear; there is some amount of weight loss while using a prescribed dosage of this hormone.

Do you intend to gain lean body mass and say goodbye to the excessive fat building up? You precisely need growth hormone supplements to accelerate fat meltdown because HGH will make it available as a fuel. Fat cells like many other cells of the body comprise of HGH receptors. When the growth hormone binds to those receptors, a series of enzymatic reactions is triggered, which is meant to achieve lipolysis or the breakdown of fat within cells. This way your overall energy expenditure is increased that makes you burn calories. Furthermore, HGH is known to promote the action of insulin.

With aging, the production of HGH decreases which explains why it’s so difficult to lose weight after a certain age. A little insight into human physiology can explain this. When you eat, insulin is secreted from pancreas which stores glucose in fat cells from where they can be used for energy generation. HGH supplements don’t allow insulin to store glucose instead it triggers your body to burn fat for generating energy. In normal cases, our body uses the stored glucose to generate energy but HGH reverses this condition and allows the fat reserves to be used first for generating energy. So if you want weight loss, no need to go for those extra tough training sessions. You can achieve weight loss with less hectic exercise, proper diet and of course an appropriate dose of HGH supplements.

HGH and weight loss might have been something new to you therefore it’s hard to believe that human growth hormone supplements can be a part of your weight loss program. The best part is that growth hormone supplements are not steroids in nature which makes them safe. These are quite different from any weight loss program you have undergone so far. Most of the weight loss programs make you lose your lean body mass besides burning fats which is very unhealthy. Hence it’s not only safe but recommended to use HGH and weight loss is inevitable from there on.

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